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Email Marketing That Drives Conversions

Email campaigns that keep your company top of mind while segmenting your audience for better targeting and improved conversions.  

Lead Generation

An integrated process with strategically placed touch points turning website visitors into potential customers.

Newsletters That People Read

Email newsletters with relevant topics customers engage with and promotions that lead to company profits.

Funnel Automation

Funnels that move subscribers through the customer journey with segmentation to hone in on your target audience.

Our Email Marketing Process

While every client is different, the framework remains the same. We follow a systematic process that creates compounding results in every email marketing campaign created. Here’s a sneak peek.

Campaign Strategy

Determine the most impactful methods of lead generation, communication frequency, and what will connect with your target audience.

Marketing Automation

Create a well-researched content calendar for newsletters and funnels based on email best practices and your ideal client persona.

Email Templates

Establish brand-themed email templates that keep your content front and center for optimal engagement and maximum conversions.

Curated Content

Articulate content to match your company’s tone of voice while remaining at the subscriber’s optimal reading level.

Email Segmentation

Further marketing automation by setting up tags and lists, and placing your audience into specific groups for targeted messaging.

Clear Reporting

Easy-to-understand reports give you data-rich insights into how to improve your email marketing strategy.

Why Make Us Your Email Marketing Agency?

Trust in expertise is everything when hiring an agency. Here’s ours:

Decades of experience as business owners

We’re more than marketers; we’ve walked in your shoes as a business owner.

Extensive training in campaign automation

We’re prepared for it all; We’ve worked on large-scope projects.

Experts in copywriting and conversions

We’re practitioners of our craft: Our focus is on outcomes, not awareness.

Frequently Asked Questions

Email marketing is one of the best lead nurturing investments you can make due due to its high ROI and direct customer engagement. It remains an effective tool for reaching targeted audiences and driving conversions, especially when integrated with web design and content marketing strategies.

Standing out in crowded inboxes requires more than just good content—it demands a strategic approach that resonates with your audience and drives action. From crafting personalized messages that connect on a deeper level to ensuring your emails land in the right place, it’s about balancing creativity with data-driven insights. When done right, email marketing can be a powerful tool for growth, but it requires the right mix of strategy, adaptability, and compliance to truly make an impact.

Our email marketing service allows you to create various campaigns to suit your business needs. Here are some examples of campaigns that you can create using our service:

  1. Promotional Campaigns: These campaigns are designed to promote a specific product, service, or offer to your email subscribers.
  2. Welcome Campaigns: These are sent to new subscribers to welcome them to your email list and introduce them to your brand.
  3. Newsletter Campaigns: These campaigns are sent regularly to provide subscribers with updates, news, and other valuable content.
  4. Abandoned Cart Campaigns: These campaigns are sent to customers who have abandoned items in their shopping carts to encourage them to complete their purchases.
  5. Re-engagement Campaigns: These are sent to subscribers who haven’t engaged with your emails in a while to re-engage them and keep them on your list.
  6. Event Invitation Campaigns: These campaigns are sent to promote and invite subscribers to an upcoming event, such as a webinar or product launch.
  7. Upsell/Cross-sell Campaigns: These campaigns are sent to customers with recent purchases, encouraging them to buy related products or services.

Our email marketing service is flexible and customizable, so you can create campaigns that suit your specific business goals and target audience. We also provide support and guidance throughout the process to help you achieve your desired results.

We pay close attention to unsubscribe requests and bounce back. A clean and engaged email list is essential for the success of your email marketing campaigns, and we follow best practices to maintain high standards of list hygiene.

Here’s how our email marketing service handles unsubscribes and bouncebacks:

  • Unsubscribes: Email campaigns include a clear and easy-to-find unsubscribe link at the bottom of every email. When subscribers click this link, they are automatically removed from your email list. We then delete them from your email marketing software to prevent wasted costs.
  • Bouncebacks: If an email is undeliverable, we categorize it as a bounceback, which can occur as either a soft bounce or a hard bounce. Soft bounces are caused by temporary issues (such as a full inbox), which will be re-attempted for delivery. Hard bounces are caused by permanent problems, such as an invalid email address, and we will immediately remove the email from your list and software. By regularly monitoring and addressing bouncebacks, we can help you maintain a healthy email list and improve your deliverability rates. We also ensure the integrity of your email database marketing efforts by consistently managing these aspects.

As a full-scope digital marketing agency, we use a variety of tactics to help you build the list for your email marketing campaign. Here are some of the ways we can help you grow your email list:

  • Website Opt-ins: Opt-in forms such as embed, slide-in, and pop-up forms are added to your website, encouraging visitors to sign up for your email list. We place these forms on various pages, including the homepage, blog, product, and service pages.
  • Lead Magnets: We create lead magnets such as coupons, special offers, e-books & white papers, providing value to your audience, giving them more reasons to join your list.
  • Social Media Campaigns: We incorporate email sign-up promotions into your social media campaigns through custom posts, as a call-to-action, or in your social media bios.
  • Paid Advertising: Through inexpensive media buying and retargeting, we use paid advertising to drive sign-ups and grow your audience.
  • Events: We create event-specific landing pages for trade shows, conferences, and webinars, helping you see a better ROI and customer lifetime value.
  • Referral Programs: In the campaign, we implement programs that encourage existing subscribers to refer their friends and colleagues to your email list.
  • Point of Sale: We integrate your point of sale with many email marketing tools or export and upload the data manually. We can also provide a lead form to your team for internal use.

We take a holistic yet hard-nosed approach to email campaign growth, working with and for you. The result is a customized strategy that suits your business goals and adds value to your target audience. Our expertise extends to direct mail marketing, ensuring comprehensive outreach.

The cost of email marketing varies depending on several factors, including the email list size, the frequency of your campaigns, and the complexity of your email marketing goals.

Our agency offers customized pricing plans designed to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes and budgets. Our plans start at a foundation level, increasing in features and services based on the campaign’s specificity.

Our pricing plans typically include the following features:

  1. Subscriber management and list segmentation
  2. Email design and content creation
  3. Campaign automation and scheduling
  4. Analytics setup & tracking
  5. Dedicated support and guidance from our team of experts


To get an accurate estimate of the cost of our email marketing services for your business, contact us directly to discuss your specific needs and goals. Our team will create a customized plan to achieve your desired outcome.

We measure the success of an email campaign using metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. These metrics provide insights into engagement and effectiveness, essential for refining your email database marketing strategy.

Yes, we can integrate email marketing with your CRM system for easy data synchronization. This integration ensures better segmentation and personalized communication, enhancing your overall content marketing efforts.

We use strategies such as maintaining a clean email list and authenticating domains to improve email deliverability. Regular monitoring and avoiding spam triggers also enhance deliverability rates, which is crucial for effective mailing list management.

We personalize email campaigns by using dynamic content and personalized subject lines. Segmentation based on subscriber behavior and preferences further tailors the experience, making your email database marketing more effective.

We work with businesses in multiple industries, including e-commerce and healthcare. Our flexible approach allows us to tailor services to each client’s unique needs, whether it involves web design or direct mail marketing.

Yes, we offer A/B testing to optimize email campaigns by testing different variables. This helps determine the most effective elements for engagement and conversion, integrating insights from social media marketing as well.

We ensure compliance with email marketing regulations by adhering to laws such as GDPR and CAN-SPAM. Our practices include providing easy opt-out options and obtaining explicit consent, ensuring your mailing list is always compliant.

We use industry-leading email marketing tools and software, such as Mailchimp and HubSpot. These tools offer robust features and integrations for effective campaign management, enhancing your content marketing and website design strategies.

We can typically launch a new email campaign within a few weeks to a month. This timeline ensures thorough planning and execution of all campaign elements, integrating seamlessly with your overall email database marketing efforts.

Yes, we offer email list cleanup and management services to maintain an up-to-date and engaged list. This includes removing inactive subscribers and correcting email addresses, ensuring the effectiveness of your direct mail marketing efforts.

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