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12 Unique Business Ideas for Kid Entrepreneurs (+8 Bonus)

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Do you think your child has what it takes to become an entrepreneur? Do you feel like a strong leader lies within them? Do they already have some leadership skills? If that’s the case, then maybe you’re looking for some business ideas for kids to get them started in entrepreneurship.

The business sector can be quite ruthless for those unprepared for it. But if you teach your child the right skills from an early age, they could take over the world and become tomorrow’s leaders. But to take it one step at a time, we’ve compiled 12 business ideas for children and also asked eight entrepreneurs to give us their insight on the matter. Let’s get started!

Greeting Card Creation

Greeting cards still go strong today. In fact, the world’s greeting card market reached an almost $23 billion value in 2020, and nearly 6.5 billion cards are purchased in the U.S. annually. While store-bought cards are the go-to option for most people, many would be happy to buy something unique, and if your child has art skills and is interested in graphic design, a greeting card business is one of the best things to do. 

You can go various ways about this. For instance, it’s up to your child to choose between handcrafting them or using design software for their creation with your help. 

Your little entrepreneur can paint them using watercolors and hand-letter them. However, if they want to be more careful with their creative business ideas and make them digitally instead, they can use software like Illustrator or Canva. It will help them make some extra money and teach your little one some valuable skills that they could use for a potential graphic design career. 

Collecting Recycling

A survey conducted back in 2019 revealed that Millennial parents regularly try to teach their kids about sustainability. 72% of Millenials have declared that they try to educate their children in environmental sustainability compared to 59% of baby boomers and 65% of Generation X. Well, one effective way to make your children more aware of their impact on the environment is to encourage them to become recycling collectors. 

By collecting recycling, your child can get some extra cash for the hard work, especially if you live in an area with a pretty good recycling program. But that’s not all – collecting trash can also lead to creating a successful small business where your little one sells accessories made from recycled materials. For instance, they can make totes using plastic bags, jewelry using various recycled materials or even unique drinking glasses from recycled bottles. 

This is a beautiful small business idea for kids because it teaches them conscious consumerism, organization, and activism. 

Babysitting Service

Babysitting is a popular small business choice, even among younger children. In fact, even kids ages 11 to 13 often take babysitting jobs as a way to help a friend or neighbor in need while making money at the same time. That said, babysitting might be a good business idea for your child, especially if you know a family looking for a babysitter. 

If you’re parenting a very young person, you may have concerns regarding their experience with much younger children and whether they’d be able to handle emergency situations. However, studies reveal excellent results even among kids who start babysitting from a young age. For instance, a Penn State University study shows how many babysitters between 11 and 13 years old are ready to face even pretty challenging situations. 

If your little one is good with children and wants to make money, a babysitting service can be perfect for them. Teenagers can even take first aid and safety courses that not only help them keep the kids they’re watching safe but may also be handy in the future. You can also rely on a babysitting job to help them boost their communication skills. 

However, if you’re worried your kid is too young to enter this line of work, you can teach them the same valuable skills with a parent’s helper job. This will involve them looking after their little brother or sister while the parents are elsewhere on the property, taking care of household chores. 

Photography Service

Both younger and older kids can opt for a photography business if they can shoot stunning images and express themselves artistically. Whether they already own a camera and seem very passionate about photographing everything they see, or they’ve expressed their desire for a new camera, this can be the beginning of a flourishing business. 

But before you help them set up this kid business, you should find out what type of photography they’re interested in. Is it landscape, macro, or portrait photography? The answer will guide you as you help your kids develop their skill sets for the job, as well as when you advertise the business. 

Understanding the nuances of sales for entrepreneurs can also be a valuable addition to their skill set, helping them market their services effectively and build a customer base.

The good news is that you can start with a low-cost setup, so there’s no need to go crazy spending a fortune on professional equipment from the beginning. Investing in something more beginner-friendly is enough to plant the seeds for this service idea. Even better, if it takes off, your child will start to generate income via photography services, participating in various events, or even selling prints. 

Aside from being a fun job that can bring some extra cash, this kid business idea may also encourage your little one to learn more about photography in general, including photo editing, types of equipment, and more. 

Pet Sitter Business

Many people love their pets and don’t want to leave them at home for too long, which is challenging when their jobs force them to travel or if they want to go on a vacation. This is why they often reach out to a pet sitter. What’s more, your children – even younger kids – can easily do this job if they love animals and are good with them. 

In 2023, the pet-sitting market in the world had a $2.38 billion value, and this amount is expected to grow even more, with a CAGR growth of 11.73% expected between 2024 and 2030. It’s a booming market, so not only will your child have a blast cuddling some furry friends and making money on the side, but they will also develop work skills that will prove useful in the future, like responsibility and communication. 

Your child would have to take care of a dog, cat, or any other pet by feeding and grooming them, keeping them company, and giving them medication or other types of special care for health-related reasons. Dog sitting or dog walking are among the most common pet-care jobs, but it’s not unusual for owners to seek pet sitters for cats and other animals. If your kid loves animals and is responsible, this can be a valuable learning experience. You simply need to ensure your little one has basic pet care equipment. 

Service for Washing Cars

Your child’s small business idea doesn’t have to be complicated – it can be something as simple as washing cars. It’s a good start for kids who want to save money or learn money management. Still, it is also suitable for families without great financial possibilities who cannot afford to invest in expensive business supplies. With car washing services, your kid will only need some sponges, a bucket, and cleaning supplies. 

There are different ways to do this. For instance, the washing can happen in a public place or even at a customer’s office or home – it depends solely on preference and the child’s age.

It’s not hard to make this business take off, as the car ownership statistics are very high. In 2022, 91.7% of households had at least one car. Chances are you have friendly neighbors who will gladly take on your offer if you tell them about your child’s services. If not, you can start advertising, and someone in your neighborhood or other areas will be more than happy to help with your child or family business. 

Painting Children’s Faces

Perhaps you have a very skilled child who loves artistic self-expression. It’s a wonderful thing and an open door to opportunities. If creating huge paintings is not something your little bundle of joy wants to do, they can start painting faces instead – especially if they’re not looking for something permanent.

Painting faces is very popular among children, and if your kid is skilled, they won’t hesitate to face challenges, including the different designs each client will ask for. Face paint is very popular at street fairs, carnivals, someone’s birthday party, or various local events. It’s a perfect job for a creative child who wants to learn some financial literacy. It can boost your child’s confidence and even lead to friendships with other children, improving communication skills. 

Craft Business 

Did you know that creating handmade pieces is something a child can do successfully? Handcrafted items, such as candles, jewelry, toys, or more, are a perfect business idea, especially for kids with a lot of creativity. It’s also a business opportunity that can grow into something more serious if your child gets better and better at their craft. 

Reports show that the handicraft market had a $1,007.07 billion value in 2023. It is also expected to grow even more in future years, with the estimation for 2032 being $2,394.32 billion. Therefore, if your kid has unique ideas for handcrafted items, the business may go from something small to a global sensation. 

Craft businesses can be started with minor investments in materials and supplies, so you don’t have to break the bank to help your little one make this dream come true. Jewelry and decorations can even be made using materials you already have in your house – with enough creativity, anything is possible. Recycled materials are also a good option for artistic creations. 

Planning Parties

Considering how fun parties are, your children will not pass on the opportunity to join one – even if that means dealing with the organizational aspect. Party planning involves organizing special events like weddings, birthdays, etc. Your child can handle the coordination of these occasions and learn to be more organized. 

This business plan is more suitable for older kids who understand the importance of good communication and time management. As they keep working with different vendors and clients, they will develop their skills and get more work opportunities in the future. This can even be a family business where your child plays a specific role. 

Children can negotiate prices and budgets, decide on the decor, talk to local musicians, and more. Now, this can be a bit of a challenge for some children, but with some guidance from you, they will learn quickly and soon master the craft. 

Writing and Illustrating Children’s Books

Some children are born with incredible imaginations and storytelling skills. If you’ve noticed that your child has unique ideas, don’t let them go to waste – help your little one make a lasting impact on the world via kids’ books. 

You can assist your child in putting their ideas in writing or illustrated content and encourage their creativity. Organize the content and create books that other children can enjoy as well. 

What’s great is that you do not need the help of a huge publisher to get this working. A print-on-demand company is enough to help you self-publish a book and show the world what your kid’s little mind can create. The more involved your child is in these small business ideas, the more their skills will evolve. For instance, this writing business can boost their writing skills and even help them become successful writers in the future. 

Online Content Creation

The world’s digital shift provided even more job opportunities, not only for adults but also for children. Since kids grow up surrounded by technology, they are more tech-savvy than older generations. For instance, a survey revealed that 31% of children aged 8 already had a smartphone. 

These skills open up many opportunities for your child. For instance, they can start a YouTube channel if they have unique content ideas. It’s a good way for them to focus on something they love while making some cash. A kid’s YouTube channel can go from educational content to gaming-related videos and more. 

Children who are not comfortable filming themselves for YouTube can also start their own blogs. If they’re very invested in a specific niche, they can create a blog that centers around that particular category. Content improves when your child is passionate about the subject, so choosing the right blog type is essential. 

This line of work will require some parental supervision, especially if your kid is still very young. You can help them with the financial side of the business or even aid them in editing the content. Not only that, but you can shield them from people with bad intentions. 

Musical Performer Business

Some children have an affinity for music. They may have a great voice or have an easy time learning how to play an instrument. Reports for 2018 – 2028 show that the musical instrument market for kids is expected to grow at a 5.5% CAGR. Whether your child loves keyboards, guitars, drums, or any other instrument, this can be their chance to develop their musical skills and even become famous figures in the future. 

In the meantime, if they already sing well or play an instrument, they can settle for a musical performer job in your area. The little one can offer to play at special events. These may include local restaurants or even birthday parties. Also, they could offer musical lessons if they’re very skilled.

This job may require a small investment if your child doesn’t own the necessary instrument and equipment yet, but if they already own one, it’s easy to start this journey. 

8 Bonus Business Ideas From Top Entrepreneurs

To inspire the next generation of entrepreneurs, we asked eight business leaders and founders the question: “What is one business idea that you think is suitable for kid entrepreneurs?” From aquarium maintenance to home-baked delights, discover the diverse range of business ideas these experts believe are suitable for young, budding entrepreneurs.

  • Aquarium Maintenance
  • Business Ideas Based on the Child’s Interests
  • Lawn Mowing and Lemonade Stands
  • Recycling Collection
  • Neighborhood Mystery Tour
  • Online Store
  • Tutoring Services
  • Home Baked Delights

Aquarium Maintenance

Fish tank/aquarium maintenance presents an excellent opportunity for young fish hobbyists. They can begin by offering water changes on smaller, simple tanks, gradually building their experience and expertise as they progress to larger tanks and more complicated aquariums. The demand for help with small tanks is popular and requires very few tools.

Jay Silber, Partner, Aqua Creations

Business Ideas Based on the Child’s Interests

I mean, the sky’s the limit, really! I’d recommend focusing on your child’s interest and ability. For example, if they like to sew, maybe a scrunchie-making business would be a great place to start. If they love to bake, a bake sale could be a good idea. And if your kid is more tech-savvy, there’s nothing saying they can’t create a new app.

Azmaira Maker, Ph.D., Founding Director, Aspiring Families

Lawn Mowing and Lemonade Stands

The best business ideas are those that teach a child to follow through.

Mowing lawns as a teen helped me learn to be responsible, to deal with customers who needed help, and even to pay attention to the weather. As I grew through high school, my costs increased—and forced me to expand my operation to earn more.

Ideas are a dime a dozen. Following through is the key.

Helping my young daughter this weekend create a lemonade stand was a pain—but seeing her push refreshing drinks on passersby, watching her calculate her gross profit, and witnessing her clean up when the day was done were not just “proud parent” moments—they were building blocks for her sense of responsibility and of what’s possible when you put your ideas to work.

Dan Ketterick, Growth Manager, FleetNow

Recycling Collection

Kids can start a recycling-collection business by collecting and sorting recyclable items from their neighborhood. They can then sell these items to recycling centers, promoting environmental responsibility and sustainability. This business idea allows kids to learn about waste reduction and contribute to their community’s green initiatives.

For example, a young entrepreneur named Emma sets up collection bins in her neighborhood and educates residents on the importance of recycling. She then collects items like bottles, cans, and newspapers from the bins and sorts them for proper disposal. Emma sells these items to local recycling centers, earning money while making a positive impact on the environment.

Ben Lau, Founder, Featured SEO Company

Neighborhood Mystery Tour

How about a Neighborhood Mystery Tour? Kids have an uncanny knack for turning ordinary places into enchanted realms. They could design a local treasure hunt, complete with maps, clues, and small prizes.

Parents pay a fee, kids hand over a creatively designed map, and off families go on a weekend adventure, discovering local wonders right under their noses! Not only does it promise outdoor fun, but it also gives our young entrepreneurs a lesson in event planning and storytelling. And who knows? The next Indiana Jones might just be living next door!

Alex Stasiak, CEO and Founder, Startup House

Online Store

I think the best business idea for kid entrepreneurs is an online business that sells products related to their interests. For example, if a kid is really into video games, they could start an online store that sells video games and accessories. This is a great business idea for kids because it requires very little start-up capital and can be done from anywhere in the world.

Additionally, kids are very tech-savvy these days, so they will have no problem setting up a website and managing the online store.

Matthew Ramirez, Founder, USMLE Test Prep

Tutoring Services

Kids with strong academic skills can offer personalized tutoring services to younger students who need academic support. This business idea promotes knowledge sharing, mentorship, and peer-to-peer learning. Young entrepreneurs can assist younger students with subjects they excel in, providing tailored education and helping them succeed.

For example, a kid entrepreneur who excels in math can offer one-on-one tutoring sessions, helping a struggling student understand complex concepts and improve their grades. This business allows kids to leverage their strengths, develop teaching skills, and make a positive impact on their peers’ academic journey.

Yoana Wong, Co-Founder, Secret Florists

Home Baked Delights

A unique idea for kid entrepreneurs would be a Home Baked Delights Shop. Kids who enjoy baking can create a storefront, either online or physical, to sell their home-baked goodies like cookies, muffins, or cakes. It encourages the art of culinary skills while also imparting lessons in running a business, like pricing, customer service, and marketing.

In a world constantly seeking comforting, homemade goods, such a venture can very well prove successful even amidst strong competition. 

Abid Salahi, Co-Founder and CEO, FinlyWealth

Final Thoughts

Your child has a wide range of business ideas to choose from. Whether it’s something as simple as washing cars, making greeting cards, or something more complicated like party planning, they can make lots of money and develop personally and professionally. With your guidance, they’ll become more organized and get more job possibilities, not to mention learn what they’d like to do when they’re older. 

Make sure to support your children on this new path and offer them advice when they ask for it! For more inspiration on how to guide your young entrepreneur, check out our list of small business ideas for kids that can help spark their creativity and ambition.

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